Where does success begin?

People strive for success. Where does success begin? Meaning do you think success only comes from one area in your life? For example, you work hard at your 9-5, but at home you dismiss the rest of your life. I believe success is tied into the smallest things we do in a day to day basis.

We all are different and work in different environments, so what I am about to say does not necessarily have to work for everyone. I think you can take certain aspects of it, and it will work for you in your own way. At least that is how I take advice. Not everything can apply, but I apply it in the areas that it would work for.

Success to me is connected to everyday lifestyle. How you prepare for the day, how your closet is organized, how your house is kept etc., I believe it prepares us for success or for failure. Such as in fitness. To be able to have a smooth morning the night before (or Sunday) I prepare my food (to stay on track on clean eating), pack my gym bag (to make sure I have no excuse to not go to the gym), work clothes (so I am ready to start the day as soon as I wake up). Now imagine if I would not do those things the night before? I would be running around all morning, and leave the possibility of not going to the gym, going out to eat junk food, and arriving late to work. ORGANIZATION AND PREPAREDNESS GOES A LONG WAY. In order to succeed you must prepare. It might suck at first, but then it becomes a habit. I think this is true in all aspects of your life. The more prepared you are the more chances you get to succeed.

How many millionaires do you see with unorganized homes? Keeping your closet, house, car etc. organized and clean helps your day go smoother. You are more relaxed in a cleaner environment. If you clean up or wash dishes a little bit everyday things will not pile up. If you leave things to pile up it can cause more stress than you already need, and take up more time. Now you are thinking about all the chores you have to do when you could have just done a little bit everyday. The way you carry yourself on a day to day basis reflects your success.

Everything in life is connected. If you neglect one area over another it can come to bite you in the ass :). If you are organized at home (the starting point) you are organized in life. Life throws a lot at you so might as well be prepared.

What do you do to keep your life in order? Do you believe success starts in your home?

Quote of the Week

There are times in life when we think is it worth it? Is all this sacrifice, and hard work worth it? The answer is always YES!

At times I doubt myself, and lose sight of why I started. This is why I believe having a positive support group around you, vision boards, goals, and listening to motivational speakers is important. It does not matter if you know all the "tips" and "secrets" to be successful you constantly need to remind yourself of those ideals. Life gets in the way, and it tries to steer you away, but do not let it! Control your emotions. The biggest battle is with yourself, and the thoughts that go on in your mind. Think positive.

We all get to a point in life when we just need a break to figure out exactly what direction to take. So take that time off, but never lose sight of your goal! Refresh your soul!


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