9 Benefits of Passion Fruit

If there is one thing you need to know about me it is that I LOVE passion fruit. I love to drink it, eat it, and mix it with other fruits. My favorite mix is watermelon or mango with passion fruit! Many people do not know about passion fruit or its benefits which is why I wanted to make a list. Passion fruit was discovered in Brazil and has since be eaten in many Latin American countries. Each country has there own name for passion fruit, some of them are Chinola, Maricuya, and Parcha.

Benefits of Passion Fruit

1. Boosts immune system

2. Prevents cancerous growth

3. Contains vitamin A, potassium, and many more nutrients

4. Helps with eye vision

5. Increase blood flow

6. Can help with asthma

7. Reduces restlessness

8. Improves digestion

9. Good source of fiber

There are many types of passion fruit but the two main ones sold are yellow and purple ones.

This is how I prepare my watermelon with passion fruit. I usually eat this as part of my breakfast. Watermelon speeds up metabolism for fat loss. 

And this my boyfriend sharing his love for passion fruit in Puerto Rico.

Do you eat passion fruit? If so, what is your favorite way to enjoy it?

6 Things to know about Fitness

1. Eating healthy and working out go hand in hand. Doing both gets you the best results.

2. You need carbs and fat! They are not evil.

3. Being prepared keeps you on track. Have your lunch, snacks, workout bag, and protein shake ready for the next day.

4. We are all on different paths, don't compare yourself to others.

5. As long as you are trying you are one step ahead of everyone else. Don't beat yourself up if you mess up there is always a tomorrow!

6. DO NOT QUIT. Results won't come easy, but if you stay the course the results are endless. When you think about quitting go harder instead.


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