My Fitness Pal App - Review

I have been using My Fitness Pal for about 2 months to keep track of my macros (protein, fat, carbs). I honestly love it! Even if you are not on a strict "diet" or "lifestyle" I think it is good to track what you eat. It gives you a better idea what and how much you put into your body. Maybe it can help you make better choices. I have been using the free My Fitness Pal, but I am debating paying for the other features. Since I do not pay for other features I figured out a way to see my protein, fat, and carbs. If you have an iPhone you can turn the phone sideways, and it will show you a chart of your protein, fats, carbs, and more.

I log in all my food, but I do not log my exercises. I heard that if you log your exercises the app tells you to eat more calories.

The great thing about this app is how easy it is to use. I have used other apps, and they are not as easy to navigate. They also have a lot of the foods from grocery stores, and restaurants already in the system.

What apps do you use?


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