Hip Hop Music

Since I can remember Hip Hop music has been a part of my life. My parents do not listen to Hip Hop nor care for it. They often ask me how can a young educated Latina woman relate to the music. The answer is, I can relate to Hip Hop in every way, shape, and form. There is no standard "listener of Hip Hop". It is just in my soul, in my spirit. The way you can hear the pain, the motivation, and the hunger for greatness is what moves me. I do not take the lyrics literally like some people might do. I just apply it to my everyday life. I did not grow up in a perfect home, and I sure did not grow up in the best suburb. But to me, doing homework and listening to the music made me work harder. While on the song there hustle was selling dope, my hustle was doing homework.

When ever I need a mental up lift, whenever I am about to go to an interview, whenever I have an important event, and I need to pump myself up I play Hip Hop. Why? It gives me confidence, it makes me feel like I CAN do anything and BE anything. It makes me feel like a boss!


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