Morning Cardio

It has been almost a year now of consistently working out. My body has been changing drastically. I see arm muscle, my butt is getting firm, my thighs have muscles, but one thing seems to stay the same, my abdominal area. My stomach has made some improvements, but not like the rest of my body. Although my stomach is smaller, my little pudge and love handles seem to not want to go away. Is it because all of the tortillas  I have eaten throughout the years?

About two months ago I have been trying to figure out what I can do differently to help me lose these last few pounds on my stomach. I did some reading and I learned that abs are made in the kitchen. You have to eat clean, and stay away from junk food. Another important aspect is morning cardio. Morning cardio is good in general if you want to lose weight. When you do cardio in the morning you are working off the fat you have. If you do cardio later in the day your body will be working off the food you ate (you can eat before the morning cardio, but do not eat carbs).

"I run to burn the crazy off"

My new goal now is to get up early and do some cardio. I am not a morning person, but a Latina has to reach her goal!

What goals are you setting this week?


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