Latinas of all Colors

I do not hear it as often as I used to, but I occasionally get the question " I thought you were white?" or "are you white?" (white in this case meaning Caucasian). I am not, I am Latina! My first language out of the womb was Spanish! Then they go on to ask me more questions about where am I from, where are my parents from, and do I speak Spanish. I even get these questions from other Latinos/Latinas! At this point as a Latino/Latina we should all know we come in all colors, shapes, and sizes! Why are we letting the media and society determine what a Latino/Latina looks like, when we should know we vary in all colors! Yes, there might be more brown skinned Latinas, but we should not forget there are white (or light-skinned as I like to say), and black Latinas.

There is not just one type of look for Latinos. There are so many countries with different histories, and differences in culture, how could we ever think there is just one kind of Latino?

And these are just a few examples! (of course I had to throw my picture in the middle of celebrities)
There are many other beautiful Latinas walking around us everyday, we just need to look a little bit more carefully!


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