Sweet Potato Cakes Recipe

From my home to yours: Sweet Potato Cakes Recipe

4 Sweet Potatoes
3 tsp of Garlic Salt
3 tsp of black pepper
1 Green Onion
1 Cilantro
1 cup of Bread crumbs
2 eggs
1 bag of flour
1 Garlic & Herb Dip

Preparation Time: 60 minutes (makes about 28 small cakes)

Get ready for deliciously sweet flavor with a hint of garlic! Let's get started so you can enjoy this greatness!

Start boiling water in a pot, then cut all 4 sweet potatoes into about 3 pieces. Boil the sweet potatoes for about 10 minutes, or until you can stick a fork in them easily. Once the sweet potatoes are boiled put them in a bowl. Wait until they cool, and peel off the skin (you can peel the skin before boiling, but I think it is easier after). With a fork smash the sweet potatoes until they are creamy. Chop the green onion and cilantro into small pieces. Add the garlic salt, black pepper, green onion, cilantro, eggs, and bread crumbs.  Add about half a cup of flour and mix it all together.

Start warming up a frying pan with coconut oil.Then start making small cakes, and add flour on both sides. The cakes are very weak, and mushy,  be very careful. Once the oil is hot in the pan start frying the cakes. With a spatula carefully flip the cakes. Fry until brown.

Let each cake cool off, and serve with the Garlic & Herb Dip. Enjoy!


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