Quote of the Week

This is something I wrote while feeling inspired. I feel that many people in different times in life are offered an opportunity, and most do not take it because of fear. We need to be strong and confident. You do not need to steal, lie, or cheat to get what you want. Simply put, when you see an opportunity take advantage of the situation.

For example, if you have a dream college you want to attend, and your high school has a college fair. Let's say, in that college fair there is a representative from your dream school. Some might choose that they are too nervous to talk to them, but others will take the opportunity to network with people from their dream school. This can be applied to thousands of other examples.

I think as a society we think to ourselves "good things do not happen to me", "good things happen to other people", and "they are just lucky". That is not the case. The difference is those people took the opportunity!

 Let go, and build your dreams!


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