Thanksgiving Outfit

I love my Thanksgiving outfit! I love the dress because it brings out my curves. Also, this dress is a must have in your closet! You can dress it up or down. If I wanted to wear it on a girls night out I would add more jewelry and cute heels. I love clothes that I can make look causal and fancy!

I purchased the dress from Fashion Nova.

Sweet Potato Cakes Recipe

From my home to yours: Sweet Potato Cakes Recipe

4 Sweet Potatoes
3 tsp of Garlic Salt
3 tsp of black pepper
1 Green Onion
1 Cilantro
1 cup of Bread crumbs
2 eggs
1 bag of flour
1 Garlic & Herb Dip

Preparation Time: 60 minutes (makes about 28 small cakes)

Get ready for deliciously sweet flavor with a hint of garlic! Let's get started so you can enjoy this greatness!

Start boiling water in a pot, then cut all 4 sweet potatoes into about 3 pieces. Boil the sweet potatoes for about 10 minutes, or until you can stick a fork in them easily. Once the sweet potatoes are boiled put them in a bowl. Wait until they cool, and peel off the skin (you can peel the skin before boiling, but I think it is easier after). With a fork smash the sweet potatoes until they are creamy. Chop the green onion and cilantro into small pieces. Add the garlic salt, black pepper, green onion, cilantro, eggs, and bread crumbs.  Add about half a cup of flour and mix it all together.

Start warming up a frying pan with coconut oil.Then start making small cakes, and add flour on both sides. The cakes are very weak, and mushy,  be very careful. Once the oil is hot in the pan start frying the cakes. With a spatula carefully flip the cakes. Fry until brown.

Let each cake cool off, and serve with the Garlic & Herb Dip. Enjoy!

Simple Collard Green Recipe

From my home to yours: Simple Collard Greens Recipe

In honor of Thanksgiving this week I decided to post a collard green recipe. Keep in mind this was the first time I have ever made greens! I also, did not grow up eating collard greens, but I figured it was time to show myself how to make them. Below is the recipe I used, and I must say I did a great job!

4 slices of bacon
1 tsp of garlic salt
2 gloves of garlic
1 tbsp of Sugar
1 White Onion
1 cube of Chicken Broth
1 bag of Collard Greens (pre-washed and cut)
1/3 cup of Cider Vinegar (I use the brand Braggs)
1 cup of water
3 tsp of Tapatio Hot Sauce (optional)

Preparation Time: 70 minutes

First, chop the bacon, onion, and garlic into small pieces. In a deep pan put oil (I use coconut oil) and cook the bacon, onion, and garlic together. Keep the pot with the lid on to keep more flavor. Do not fully cook the bacon, it is best to cook the bacon until it has brown edges. After the bacon, onion, and garlic are done cooking add the garlic salt, sugar, and apple cider vinegar. In the same pot add the collard greens, water, and chicken broth (if needed add more salt). It may look like all the greens will not fit, but they will. Leave the pot in low medium, and let it cook for an hour. I only checked on mine after 30 minutes, and stirred the pot. The reason why you should leave it on low medium is to slowly cook the greens not boil them.

(I did not use a deeper pot because chili was being made in it at the time! yum! and also this pot I can take better pictures with!)

Keep in mind there are many variations as to how to make greens. You can make it without the bacon, you can add a turkey leg, you can also buy collard greens they are not packaged (you would have to wash them and cut them yourself), and many more ways to make them.

I hope you enjoy the greens as much as I did!

Quote of the Week

This is something I wrote while feeling inspired. I feel that many people in different times in life are offered an opportunity, and most do not take it because of fear. We need to be strong and confident. You do not need to steal, lie, or cheat to get what you want. Simply put, when you see an opportunity take advantage of the situation.

For example, if you have a dream college you want to attend, and your high school has a college fair. Let's say, in that college fair there is a representative from your dream school. Some might choose that they are too nervous to talk to them, but others will take the opportunity to network with people from their dream school. This can be applied to thousands of other examples.

I think as a society we think to ourselves "good things do not happen to me", "good things happen to other people", and "they are just lucky". That is not the case. The difference is those people took the opportunity!

 Let go, and build your dreams!

Is Eating Fat Good For You?

Many people hear the word fat, and think that fat equals bad. In reality our bodies need fat to function. Now, I am not saying to go out there and eat all the fat possible, which can lead to obesity. I am saying it is good to eat healthy fat and in moderation. Fat is good for normal growth and development, energy, absorbing some vitamins, provides cushioning for organs, maintaining cell membranes, and is good for the brain especially if rich in omega-3s. There are three kinds of fat monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated. Trans-fat is not included because it is man-made fat  to make food last longer (which is not the best kind of fat to eat). Below is a list of healthy and unhealthy fats. It does not mean to never eat the unhealthy fats, but I feel that they should be avoided as much as possible.

Healthy Fats

Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Peanut Butter
Chia Seeds

Unhealthy Fats

Processed Vegatable oils
Processed foods such as crackers, cakes, cookies, and more.
Pre-packaged foods such as cake mixes and pancake mix
Fried Food

Turning 25

In about a month I will be turning 25. Wow. What a huge accomplishment. Through all the sweat and tears, I could not be happier with myself being the woman I am at 25. Sure, I have a lot more to learn and grow, but more than ever in my life, I feel close to the woman I am supposed to be. Every day, every week, every year I get closer to the woman I want to be. Honestly, at this age I did not think I would be close to who I am supposed to be.

This is not just about my successes or failures, but everyday habits as well. Just a few years back I envisioned a woman who ate healthier, works out, beautiful inside and out, strong, money maker, independent, go getter, positive mind set, in touch with spirit, confident in any situation, respected, and above all to be kind to everyone. It is crazy how this year life lead me on to the road to begin these new habits, that from now on will be my journey in life.

I could not be anymore thankful for the Universe to have lead me in the right direction.

Nothing is ever perfect, but it sure is a blessing.

I cannot wait to see the woman I will be at 30.

Latinas of all Colors

I do not hear it as often as I used to, but I occasionally get the question " I thought you were white?" or "are you white?" (white in this case meaning Caucasian). I am not, I am Latina! My first language out of the womb was Spanish! Then they go on to ask me more questions about where am I from, where are my parents from, and do I speak Spanish. I even get these questions from other Latinos/Latinas! At this point as a Latino/Latina we should all know we come in all colors, shapes, and sizes! Why are we letting the media and society determine what a Latino/Latina looks like, when we should know we vary in all colors! Yes, there might be more brown skinned Latinas, but we should not forget there are white (or light-skinned as I like to say), and black Latinas.

There is not just one type of look for Latinos. There are so many countries with different histories, and differences in culture, how could we ever think there is just one kind of Latino?

And these are just a few examples! (of course I had to throw my picture in the middle of celebrities)
There are many other beautiful Latinas walking around us everyday, we just need to look a little bit more carefully!

Safari Tour Review - Punta Cana, DR

I could talk about this tour for hours! But I will keep it simple for you to enjoy. We got picked up from our hotel in a Safari truck and went into the the jungle! Our guide was very informative and gave us information/ history about Dominican Republic.

Once we arrived in the jungle we arrived at Maria's House to show us what a typical Dominican household looks like. The house is small and beautiful. Her house has a lot of old family pictures. In the back  of the house she has chickens and cats running around. And  a section where they make natural cacao and coffee.

We then ate a typical Dominican meal, went horse back riding, got to see a person make cigars, drank sugar cane juice, and ended the day at a beautiful beach.

Here are a few pictures to describe my experience.

A dried up cacao bean. 

In Maria's Back yard.

Fresh fruit Maria gave us.

We also got to see how cigars are made.

This is sugar cane. They gave us a piece to suck on and then they made us fresh sugar cane juice.

Drinking sugar cane juice near a banana tree.

We ended the day at the beautiful Macao beach.


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